Actually this  doesn't happen on  EDITOR and OWNER  checks any long  with my
modified 1.5j, so this is not a  problem. But UUCP people will probably not be
allowed to send mail to a lot of private lists any more.
  I personally think  that preserving case is  stupid, and that UNIX  is a big
bag of sh*t. However, I don't mind having LISTSERV being stupid and preserving
case,  as  long  as  it  is  consistent  with  its  own  stupidity.  Thus,  if
"[log in to unmask]"  and "[log in to unmask]"  are  two  different persons,  then
assuming the first one is signed up to a private list, the second one won't be
able to  send mail  to it. This  is just not  the same  person you see.  If it
happens to be the  same person, I'm sorry but it's the way  it goes. If I were
to treat them as being the same userid, I would have to delete both of them on
a SIGNOFF request.
  The  only reason  why this  is not  done for  EDITOR and  OWNER is  that the
userids you provide in the header  get upcased by the keyword processor, which
is a general (and documented) behaviour for  list keywords and I don't want to
introduce dirty  hacks for  UUCP. Otherwise  you'd have  to enter  the userids
within quotation  marks to  have to  keyword processor  preserve the  case, ie
Owner  = "[log in to unmask]",  and this  would not  be upwards  compatible with
unquoted headers  so I preferred  to leave  it out the  way it is,  upper case
match. I  would have  preferred to go  for lower case  match though,  but this
would have meant more complaints in my reader.