I am now actively working on getting LISTSERV@YALEVM ready for public testing.
I have a complete set of LISTSERV 1.5j OCO files, but no 1.5j ASM files.  Now
that I have read the last 2 weeks worth of LSTSRV-L MAIL, I see that I have
also missed the updates for version 1.5k because I didn't get LISTSERV 1.5j
installed soon enough.  Would you be so kind as to send me the 1.5k files that
I missed, including any revised 1.5k documentation, and the 1.5j-k assembler
source that I apparently didn't receive (probably because I didn't ask for it
Is there anything useful that I can do with our YALEVM entry for PEERS NAMES
or should I wait and send it to you when you get back to Paris?
It would also help me to see how some of you (if appropriate) have set-up
LISTSERV (disks, etc.)  to make files PUBLICly available.  (I am still reading
the documentation now, so maybe my questions are answered in the MEMOs that I
haven't yet read; if so, there's no need to tell me so...  I'll get the rest
read soon enough ;-).  I would like to have at least one public-access disk
for the archival of mail from all public lists so that I and others (who don't
necessarily want to subscribe to the lists) can read MAIL in these archives on
an occasional/regular basis without the hassle of processing the all that MAIL
ourselves.  Ultimately, my goal is to use LISTSERV mostly for public bulletin
boards and conferences where the mail archives and files are simply stored on
LISTSERV's public (Read/Only access) disk(s) and are mailed ONLY to non-local
subscribers or peers.  My plans include using a (not-yet) modified version of
MAILBOOK to make it easy for non-subscribers to read and respond to MAIL in
these lists for which our LISTSERV will be the subscriber or a peer (as
appropriate.)  The intent here is to cut down on the MAIL traffic that crosses
my and other local user's readers by having most LIST-generated MAIL centrally
processed ONLY by LISTSERV, but shared, readable, replyable, etc.  by anyone
who might be interested (now or later.)  That way, LISTSERV helps control our
local MAIL glut as well as that of the network.  Are you doing things like
this?  If so (and if you have advice that's not already in Eric's
documentation) I'm interested.  Reply to me (or to the list if you find the
topic is generally interesting.)
Jim Owen (YaleVM postmaster)