>Hi, we're just starting to get the hang of the listserv stuff and as
>a backbone we would like to try and carry INFO-MAC as our first list.
>Is this the right place to request such a thing, and if so, how do
>we go about doing this? After reading the documentation I'm a little
>bit confused on the steps one must take.
>                                 Thank you
>                                 Chris Thierman
>                                 Cthierma@UALTAVM
Since INFO-MAC is an ARPA-originated list, the proper place to make
this request would be REDIST-L@UGA, the ARPA Redistribution List,
but it has been inactive for several months.  However, the coordinator
for the BITNET side of INFO-MAC (yours truly :-) happened to see it here,
so look no farther.  I'll contact you off the list.
--Mark Williamson
§ Mark R. Williamson  The Revised LISTSER  7/29/87*Addition of our site