>   The SENDER: field NEVER points to the LISTSERV userid. It is set to the LIST
> userid,  and if  rejection mail  is bounced  to the  list, it  is trapped  and
> forwarded  to the  people  defined in  the Errors-To=  list  keyword. And  the
> default for  this keyword is  POSTMASTER, but if you  change it to  OWNERS you
> won't have the problem any more.
OK, now how do I change it on lists that are NOT on this node that
are being distributed here using the distribute function?  I still
get rejection mail for bad userids on distributed lists.  I don't
want to turn off distribute; it's seems like a good feature otherwise.
Maybe it can point back to the list at the node generating the
Also, some rejections still sneak through at times.  I still don't
understand why, other than for user agents, that SENDER: has to
NEVER point to the LISTSERV id.  If the Newsgroup: or equivalent
can be worked out to make the user agent matter a non-problem,
then I still think SENDER: should point to the LISTSERV just so
that rejects don't get into the list.
We just had another big list mail loop yesterday from a user who had
set on some forwarding, and the forwarding mailer was kind enough to
let the whole list know it had forwarded the mail, and the notice it
had first sent, and the second, the third, ....