>I saw yesterday the bad headers coming  through and thought that it might have
>to do  with his mail  sending agent in  some way. I  send mail to  Mr. Adelman
>with my  reply to  his query. Now  I see  that it has  happened again.  I have
>never seen  this problem before.  Perhaps it is  related to the  problems with
>LISTSERV headers previously reported?
>The REPLY-TO Field seems to be the one to worry about.
    Right you  are, Geert!  The "<userid>  <domain> <username>" format
is the  tip-off.  The  LISTSERV that  sent out your  copy of  the mail
apparently doesn't have the Reply-To:  fix put into LSVXMAIL EXEC.  In
this case, that means [log in to unmask]
    I should mention that the is a  minor bug caused by my fix to this
problem.  As Eric pointed out to me, it has the effect of turning
   Reply-to: Winnie the Pooh <[log in to unmask]>,
             Christopher Robin <CHRIS@HOME>
   Reply-to: Winnie the Pooh <[log in to unmask]>
However, even this beats
   Reply-to: POOHBEAR HUNDRED.ACRE.WOOD Winnie the Pooh
    Eric has already cleaned up  the fix to correctly process multiple
addresses in a  single Reply-To:, and I assume he'll  send out the new
fix in the next LISTSERV update.
Enough kids books for now,
Ross Patterson
Rutgers University
P.S. In case someone still needs the (slightly buggy) fix, it is:
------------------ Start of included file LSVXMAIL FIX         -----------------
    Add  a call  to LSV822TO  to reformat  back into  RFC822 style  in
LSVXMAIL EXEC  . For 1.5k *only*,  the fix goes on  line #461.  Change
"replyto = data" into "replyto = LSV822TO(data,'CROSSWELL')", as in:
/*#460*/When kwd = 'REPLYTO' Then
/*#461*/ If replyto = '' & ^gotXrepto Then replyto = data
/*#460*/When kwd = 'REPLYTO' Then
/*#461*/ If replyto = '' & ^gotXrepto Then replyto = LSV822TO(data,'CROSSWELL')
------------------ End   of included file LSVXMAIL FIX         -----------------