There  will be  a lot  of major  changes for  release 1.5l  which I  need to
beta-test before distribution. I have just created a new list, LSTSRV-B@CEARN,
to which all LISTSERV owners interested in beta-testing should subscribe. I do
not want more than 10 beta-test sites in any event (otherwise it's no longer a
beta-test :-) ), so please don't subscribe unless you are really interested.
  "Listeners" will  also be welcome  (with SET  LSTSRV-B NOFILES so  that they
don't get any actual  code) as long as they don't overload  the list with junk
comments of  the REXXLIST  or LIAISON  type (I didn't  say "MAIL-L"  because I
think  most of  the  people on  this list  are  serious, sensible  individuals
incapable of such a behaviour ;-) ). I don't mind temporary subscribers either
as long as they  make sure to sign off when they don't  want to be a beta-test
site any more. But  in any case I would not want more  than 25 persons on this
list. I do not want any peer,  if the traffic really gets too important (which
I doubt it will), I will set the list to DISTRIBUTE and that will be it.