How does one figure out from the following which list is at fault so
I (as a submitter of data to that list) can ask that they stop using
distribute until it works? As I am no longer on this list replies need
to be sent to me as well as the list. Thank-you. -njg
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date:         Thu, 20 Aug 1987 16:07 JST
From:         Revised List Processor (1.5k) <LISTSERV@JPNSUT10>
Subject:      Output of job "LISTSERV" from LISTSERV@CUNYVM
To:           NJG@CORNELLA
This node could not be found in the routing tables.
Recipient has been ignored.
>>> To: Z7600578@TWNMOE10
This node could not be found in the routing tables.
Recipient has been ignored.
No  recipients for  this server,  probable loop
symptom.  Distribution  for all  the  remaining
recipients has been carried out by this server.