It would be nice if when Listserv started up, it queried RSCS's
routing table for a LINKSymm node, simply at SM RSCS Q LINKSymm
to verify that its BITEARN NODES and the RSCS routing table
are in sync.  Everytime I have seen this problem it is because
the BITEARN NODES was old, sometimes as much as 4 or 5 months.
I suggest Bitnet's LINKSymm instead of EARN's VERSyymm because
EARN includes Bitnet's, but Bitnet does not reciprocate.
Bill: You can get the statistics for Mail-via= Distribute jobs
with a simple mod to LSVXMAIL.  One line 1170(the second to last)
simply remove the comments from Ack=Mail.
  Call LSVDIST myself . 'MAIL FROM='fromid /* 'ACK=MAIL' */
  Call LSVDIST myself . 'MAIL FROM='fromid 'ACK=MAIL'
Then all Mail-Via=Distributes will receive them acknowledgements
One this vein, I'm also concerned that Mail-via=Distribute
does not record any statistics.  WE are moving more and more lists
this way, and we are seeing less and less what Listserv is doing.