I have made a few changes to the FORWARD mail package:
- LSV$FORW is  called immediately upon  completion of a /FORWARD  SET command.
  This causes files to be immediately stolen from the target's reader, so that
  users don't  give you  a phone call  reporting a bug  in the  mail forwarder
  which doesn't work at all.
- Whenever LSV822IN reports  a parsing error, the mailfile is  not returned to
  the  user's reader  but forwarded  under  a new  cover,  with a  log of  the
  LSV822IN messages and a blurb asking the guy to please try to find the cause
  of the problem and fix it. A copy is sent to the postmaster.
1. For  some reason, it  appears that I must  have inadvertently issued  a GET
   command on the wrong file and there is  a '--- Mail file in error ---' line
   at  the bottom  of LSV$FORW  EXEC. This  does not  cause any  problem since
   control never reaches that point. I  realized it only after sending out the
   new version.  To avoid being  flooded with mail,  I have re-sent  a version
   with these lines deleted, so don't worry if you get two copies.
2. This has not yet been fully  tested. I don't see what problems could arise,
   except maybe  in the  case of  invalid mailfiles  which were  not processed
   before anyway, but just be warned that this has not been fully tested.