>                                                            ... But  the worst
>   point is that  I don't know exactly  how to forward this  kind of requests.
>   Direct RSCS send? That's some 100 files generated in a few seconds. A crazy
>   NAD can fill  up all your spoolids  with that kind of  things, without even
>   realizing it. DISTRIBUTE? That's a lot of overhead for 2-recs files.
I always thought - and now's a good time for it - that LISTSERVs should have
some way of "broadcasting" information among themselves. Note, that I'm
talking a new, general purpose algorithm. It's far less complicated than
DISTRIBUTE, mainly because it's FIXED.  I guess you may do (something
to the effect of) this: run DISTRIBUTE-like algorithm with the complete
list of LISTSERVs known to you. Keep the results somewhere (disk). Whenever
you need a "global" broadcast, use this info, assuming you always send to
the same servers.
(note: I mean that the DISTRIBUTE-like will run once at each LISTSERV startup).
Doesn't this sound alot less painful than DIST2 each time?
>2. I still have Doron's private mail about WHEREIS in my reader, it's just not
>   the kind of thing I like to implement in  2 hours. I want it as part of the
>   DATABASE  support,  ie  distributed  database  facility.  Nothing  prevents
>   LISTSERV from searching its own databases internally :-)
Definitely, DATABASE is a very nice way for this function. I'll wait :-)