Eric says that a hacker can issue  a global signoff command for me. This is
true enuf, but with  some more effort same hacker can do  UNSUBs on my behalf.
So  it's not  really  a new  hole,  just making  life a  tiny  bit easier  for
   The funniest  thing is,  that the original  suggestion from  Scott Campbell
came  in just  when I  was  typing a  note to  this  list with  the very  same
suggestion! (global signoff). This is definitely >some< coincidence.
   So here is the second suggestion I  wanted to make in the same note, before
someone grabs copyrights fot this idea too :-)
   The idea is  "WHEREIS listname". It should simply (...)  tell you where (as
close as can be,  peer-wise) a certain list is located.  Each LISTSERV will be
able to direct you to the proper location.
   This requires a global  file of lists to be maintained,  I know, and either
someone does it manually or a complex protocol should be used. Moreover, every
list  should have  a  new property  -  whether  its not  should  go onto  that
list-of-lists or not.
   Immediately, you'll  come up  and say,  that once  every LISTSERV  has this
knowledge, it can process the SUBSCRIBE  command in any LISTSERV incarnation -
i.e., forward it to the proper LISTSERV. Aha, says I: you're right.