>>When LISTSERV receives a piece of MAIL in one of its' distribution
>>lists and that piece of mail came from an RSCS and not another MAILER,
>>it appears that LISTSERV tries to "distribute" that file via
>>a "distribute" job.
>    For our understanding,  please define "mail" and  "file" as you're
>using  them  here.  I'm  assuming  "mail"  means "1)  RFC822  content,
>filetype  MAIL;  or  2)  IBM  NOTE or  PROFS  content, filetype  NOTE"
>(that's  LISTSERV's definition,  roughly), and  "file" means  "a spool
>file" (as opposed to "not MAIL", as LISTSERV uses the term).
>    Spool files  don't "come  from an  RSCS", they  come from  a user.
>LISTSERV will apply  it's "mailness" test to anything sent  to a list.
>If  it passes  (filetype =  MAIL  or NOTE),  then it's  sent as  mail,
>otherwise  the  file  is  sent, intact  and  unedited,  by  DISTRIBUTE
>(regardless of the setting of Mail-Via).
Ok, When listserv receives a file for one of its distribution lists
and sees that file as being mail (in NETDATA format). I do not
get the "cut here" format you are speaking of.
Is this better?