As I have already said 10 times,  any LOCAL solution to the alternate mailer
problem is STUPID.  You have for example an EAN@CERNVAX  gateway through which
commands cannot be  sent to LISTSERV@CEARN because it is  not recognized as an
alternate mailer. The same problem applies to LISTSERV@DEARN, LISTSERV@BITNIC,
and all  the other  LISTSERVs in the  world. Just because  CEARN adds  a local
definition for this mailer does NOT  solve the problem for DEARN, BITNIC, etc.
A *global*  table of all  these machines  is needed, and  *I* am not  going to
maintain it. Now  if someone is willing  to create and *maintain*  it, it's no
problem to add a few lines of code to LSVXMAIL to make use of this table.