How are people tuning their systems to take Listserv's wide fluctuations
of resource usage into account?  Are you running it on a system with a
large guest such as MVS, VSE or MUSIC?
Has anyone looked into what is required to not sort the LIST after
every subscription?  I have a couple of large lists (>1000 subscribers)
that whenever a SUBSCRIBE command happens, you can go out to lunch.
I inserted Say TIME('R') before and after the LSVSORT in LSVSUBSC,
and that is where the coffee break is occuring, almost 1,000 seconds.
I do NOT want to peer this list out, and even if I could, I have
been looking into a local list that would have almost that many
local users, which even if I peered, would still all be here.
  It would seem possible to have the subscription NOT sort the list
but mark the list as needing sorting, and only sort for things like
PUT, REVIEW and when a file or mail is about to be delivered on the
list, and the list is not via Distribute.  My understanding of the
sorting is that the sorted list is used to know who to combine
into 1 mail file when sending mail to a non Mail-Via= Distribute list.
  Has anyone run CMAP on Listserv with a detail at the EXEC level?