>>Has anyone looked into what is required to not sort the LIST after
>>every subscription?  I have a couple of large lists (>1000 subscribers)
>>that whenever a SUBSCRIBE command happens, you can go out to lunch.
>>I inserted Say TIME('R') before and after the LSVSORT in LSVSUBSC,
>>and that is where the coffee break is occuring, almost 1,000 seconds.
>Gads. I don't know what size machine you have, but this can easilly be
>beat. XEDIT's SORT command is actually fast. On a 9370 sorting 1000
>records on a 9370/20 w/ XEDIT's sort took 12seconds, add another 3.5
>seconds to read the file from disk times 4 (write it from exec, read it
>into xedit, <sort>, write it from xedit, read it into exec) and the
>total for the sort would only be 26 seconds of total time.
Its running on a 4381-13, and the sort does take place using XEDIT's SORT,
actually DMSXMS, but there is also the fact that the file is to be
sorted by node name, and is stored by user@node, and user is variable
length, so a reformatting takes place before sorting.  I haven't tracked
down where the time is actually spent in LSVSORT yet.