Doron, a postmaster does not have  any specific GET authority. The person
who's authorized  to PUT  the file  is not authorized  to GET  it either.
Please consider  the following  file definition, suitable  for a  'log of
complaints' or suchlike.
- PUT code =  ALL, and a file access validation  exist that will actually
  perform an APPEND (not a REPLACE) when  a PUT is issued from people not
  in the  user support. All  users are  allowed to post  complaints, user
  support may replace the whole file.
- GET code = XXX, which points to  the user support people. Users are not
  allowed to read the complaints of other people.
Well that's  a stupid example of  course, but it shows  that just because
you have PUT  authority doesn't mean that you should  have GET authority.
You often have PUT=ALL because the actual test is made by an exit anyway.