I personally wouldn't bother with /UNREG. If you try a "REGISTER" command
with no  argument (or with not  enough arguments), you get  told what the
proper syntax  is and, if  already registered, you  get told how  you can
unregister if that's what you want. If  you do create a /UNREG, just do a
'CP M * FOR' origin 'REGISTER OFF' and that will be it.
Another matter I would like to discuss is that of global deletion. I have
been asked thousands of time how student accounts can be unregistered. My
problem is that presently french node  admins have found out that I could
be  reached by  phone,  and guess  what happens  when  they have  student
accounts to delete? :-)
With  the present  situation, the  NAD can  already issue  a 'FOR  userid
SIGNOFF *' command  to any LISTSERV. Problem #1, it's  not convenient nor
efficient if  they have 200 accounts  to trash. Well I'm  personally more
concerned  about efficiency.  Problem #2,  you have  to send  it to  each
LISTSERV. This  is the real  problem. It should  not be implemented  in a
specific way for  the signoff problem, ie  you should be able  to cause a
LIST command to be executed at all LISTSERV sites if you so desire.
Each LISTSERV has a list of other  LISTSERVs, which is more or less up to
date. A non-backbone LISTSERV could tell  you to refer to a backbone one,
and could even point you to what it thinks to be the nearest one, so this
is not  a big problem  and we can  assume that the  list is almost  up to
date. Now there are two ways to forward the command:
1. Direct  send. This  eats very  little CPU but  generates NNN  2-3 recs
   files. Not  much network load,  but all of  a sudden you  have 100-150
   files in the  RSCS reader. Well it can handle  it, until some end-user
   admin issues  200 such commands for  the 200 accounts it  is trashing.
   Then you get 20000 spool files and you start crying for help.
2. DISTRIBUTE to all the LISTSERVs. This doesn't generate many files, but
   you'd better  be patient. Of course  it isn't worse than  a DISTRIBUTE
   for your  average 100-150 users list,  but it isn't better  either. If
   your crazy admin sends 200 global commands, you get only 200 files but
   you probably eat 200 minutes of CPU time.
Note that in any case, the admin should only send one file with the names
of the  200 userids. I was  assuming an end-user admin  who doesn't know,
sees how it works for 1 userid,  and concludes that it would be just what
he wants with a 'do student=1 to 200;...;end' around it :-)
I could use a 'cache' file to speed up the DISTRIBUTE at the source node,
but what about  the intermediate nodes? Anyway DIST2 already  has a cache
file so this wouldn't be so much of an improvement.
Comments? Ideas?  Note that I am  certainly not going to  go for anything
involving a fixed  topology a la NETSERV. There have  been enough NETSERV
loops  and  enough  hundreds  of  files in  my  reader  because  of  this
particular aspect of the NETSERV design.