>    Michael, I'm  afraid you're using  the wrong pronoun.   "We" don't
>have  the power  to do  anything.   "You", meaning  Eric, do  (does?).
>DISTRIBUTE and  the backbone have  caused him great need  for asbestos
>clothes in  the past.  Let's  not put him  in the position  of needing
>them again.
Clarification - by "we" I meant those that are the Technical staff
that supports BITNET (and develops as well). I have an idea of what
1/30th of Eric has had to deal with - I am trying to say that we should
all support him in efforts to finally getting things running smoothly.
Supporting him in saying that 'non-backbones are troublesome'
and all stand for a manageable policy such that further work will
not be hindered by past mistakes. The line must be drawn
            - Michael Gettes, Boston University