I guess  there's a  misunderstanding. NJE  addresses are,  by definition,
uppercase. The mailer upcases the userid before trying to spool a file to
it, for  example. Thus,  'eric@frecp11' and  'ERIC@FRECP11' are  the same
As I  just told Hank in  a private piece of  mail, [log in to unmask]
and [log in to unmask]  are two different  logins. This is  stupid of
course but  that's the way  the authors of  UNIX thought God  meant login
names to be, and that's not the point  anyway, it just IS a fact of life.
Thus, it should make a difference whether the command came in from 'Hank'
or 'hank'. See the RFC822 standard for more details on the sensitivity of