I am beginning to understand why Internet users are upset with Listserv.
I signed up to a list in Listserv with the following address:
[log in to unmask]
Note the uppercase.  When I tried to post to the list with the address:
[log in to unmask]
Listserv flagged it as an error, saying that I am not authorized to
access the list.  In all cases of dotted domain addresses, case should
be ignored.  It shouldn't make a difference if I come in one time as
HANK or Hank or hANK.  If my address is dotted-domain, you must ignore
Eric's reply,
>No that's the opposite, I ignore case if the address is a NJE one, ie
>one without dots (or with .BITNET at the end). I think you should
>re-subscribe using the address that will appear on the 'From:' field of
>your mailings
I can imagine the frustration level of Internet users.