I have a number of files on our LISTSERV, and subscribers from all
over BITNET, ARPA, and UUCP.
Most of the time, everything works fine - ARPA and UUCP users are
sent the files they request as MAIL, and edit out the headers before
downloading them to their micros.
However, a couple of the users on BITNET have expressed an interest
in getting requested files in MAIL format, rather than as Netdata,
Punch, or anything else.
Is this possible under the current release?  One person says he
can't even receive files sent with the SENDFILE command.
If it's not possible, how about having a tag of  F=mail
to specify mail format rather than any of the other file formats?
- ERIC -             * Another proud CoCo 3 user *        ______________
                                                         |              |
BITNET:ewtileni@pucc | ARPA:[log in to unmask]  | ColorVenture |
CompuServe: 70346,16 | MCI Mail and/or Delphi: TILENIUS  |______________|
PHONE :609-734-0092  | UUCP:{rutgers,cbosgd,cmcl2}!psuvax1!pucc.BITNET!ewtileni