>This strikes me  as a very site-specific request. You  can prevent people
>from  knowing  who  is  on  a  given list.  You  can  prevent  them  from
>subscribing. You can even prevent them from KNOWING that the list exists.
>You can't prevent them from adding their  names to the SIGNUP FILE, and I
>don't see why this should be restricted.
>  Eric
But we are not preventing them from adding their names to the signup file,
we are FORCING them to add their names if they sign up for a list.  I think
perhaps, if the list is "CONFIDENTIAL= YES" then they should not be added
to the signup file.  Perhaps they don't want the world to know who they are.
Another option, one requiring more programming might be to set a "CONFIDENTIAL"
bit in the SIGNUP FILE and having /WHOIS (and any other program which might use
data from the SIGNUP FILE) to respect this bit and not use that entry for
anything which might compromise the owner of the ID.