We  have the  following problems  with the  combination of  LISTSERV and
Crosswell MAILER:
. We receive  via LISTSERV mail with  a userid longer than  8 characters
  in the  To: field  to be  passed via  the MAILER  to a  VAX/JNET node.
  The  MAILER rejects  the mail  because of  the length  of the  userid.
  What can  we do to allow  transmission (either permit long  userids or
  truncate to max 8 characters)?
. If the ultimate receiving VAX/JNET node detects a problem like
  "NO SUCH USER" the undelivered mail  is returned NOT to the originator
  but to our MAILER causing loops. How can prevent such loops?
I have changed the mailsoft definition from JA JNET to JNET, but I don't
know, if this solved the problem.
Any information helping us and  the VAX/JNET node solving these problems
is appreciated.
Thanks in advance and regards,
Joachim Lammarsch