I might have missed something posted previously, but anyway:
What is the current status of the database search functions ?
A couple of days ago I decided to try and use them, according to the
clear directions in Eric's LDBASE MEMO (I imagined how it would look
like in IBM_doc_language - and that WAS frightening :-).
Anyway - out of all the TAUNIVM (that's the closest LISTSERV to me)
lists, only 2 were found by the DB program. The usual response was:
DATABASE removed from list.
I encountered the same problem on a few lists I tried on CEARN, DEARN
and FRECP11. My guess is that it's a question of time. Is it really?
If so - when can we expect to be able to search all the open lists ?
Another problem concerning this: I tried to look for something in the
INFO-VAX@DEARN db. The response was - TIMEOUT. Well - I narrowed my
request to SEL * IN INFO-VAX SINCE 2/88 (and then SINCE 3/88) -
still TIMEOUT ....I think that's the simplest search I can ask for,
and that the cpulim for interactive usage should allow me at least
that. Any comments/suggestions ?  Am I misunderstanding something ?