I've just subscribed to this list and am relatively new at managing our VMS
BITNET node. Therefore please forgive me if this has been discussed before.
As it is the end of our semester here, several student accounts have been
removed. Not all of them have UBSUBSCRIBED from mailing lists that they had
joined. I tried removing one using the command:
        $ SEND LISTSERV@close_node DEL * user@MUCSD (NETWIDE
and got a message back saying that the above was not a legal interactive
command and I'd have to create a job to do the above task. I figured that out
by reviewing some of the LISTSERV documents and submitted it. I got a reply
back from the target node saying that my request was being forwarded to 111
servers. So far so good, then I got back approximately 111 mail messages from
those servers saying that they had processed my request. This was unnecessary
and the part I'd like to change. I really don't require any confirmation and
would like to save the network traffic that this produces.
I tried again for another user this time adding Reply-to=None on the
//JOB card. This seemed to have no effect as the confirmations are again
bombarding my mailbox. Is there any way to shut this feature off?
                --Sandy Berger
                  Marquette University