Are there tools (programs, execs, XEDIT Macros) available to help
a LISTSERV manager report on LISTSERV?  With the growing use of LISTSERV
I might want to or have to provide some statistics on it.
   I am thinking of "one time" or occasional reports using data now
available in the logs, LIST files, STATS files, etc.  Some examples:
   List of Lists on the LISTSERV machine in report format:
Listname  Number of  Number of  Last     Mail    Peers   Note-Primary
          Subscrib.  Countries  Updated  Via             Books   Owner
ABC-L       23            4     04/03/88 Dist      0     PublicMerty Smer...
XYZ-L       99            5     05/02/88  -        9     Private Maso Chist
2 Lists    122            6
   Other possible reports:
Some sort of compilation of LOG activity - eg. number of lists, jobs, items
distributed for non-local lists, number of subscriptions and/or other
requests, etc.
Some sort of compilation of STATS files (of course this would only be for
lists with the applicable stats options on).
   Anyway, if some of you have handy execs you use for this sort of thing
they might be useful for others too...  :-)
   Thanks for your ideas.