I am  planning to send out  a 'FIX15N2' shipment  (4 segments) as soon  as the
file queue on CEARN-FRMOP22 drops to  a reasonable level, which might well not
be before a  few weeks. It contains all  the fixes I had been  meaning to send
out but couldn't because I was "soon going to leave for 1 week to EARN88", and
later because I had some other urgent work to do, etc.
There are a number of changes which are worth mentioning:
1. Because of  the number of problems  caused by a disk full  condition on the
   191, LISTSERV will now check its disk space before starting. By default, it
   only checks the A-disk, complains if it's  more than 85% full, and logs out
   if it's over 95% full. BE SURE TO  CHECK --> NOW <-- THAT YOUR LISTSERV 191
   FIX15N2. If you have notebook disks, you  can have them checked in the same
   way by modifying the CHECKDISK sysvar (see the template in SAMPLE SYSVARS).
2.  Considering the  amount  of  requests I  have  received  for this  change,
   LSVNADDR will  now unconditionally upcase  the nodeid  part of any  and all
   RFC822 address  which LISTSERV makes use  of. This is in  strict compliance
   with  RFC822. The  present  implementation (respect  the  nodeid case)  has
   caused REAL problems with DECENT  mailing software which, for good reasons,
   does not  always cause the  domain-part to show up  with the same  case. To
   solve the  problem, the  domain-part will  now be  unconditionally upcased.
   This  change might  create problems  for broken  software that  cares about
   RFC822 as much as about an old pair  of socks, but better harm this kind of
   software  that  decent  one.  A  conversion  exec  is  included  that  will
   automatically convert LIST files, the  SIGNUP file and PWLIST/AFDLIST file.
   Note that  PWLIST FILE should  now be RECFM  V - this is  not a bug  in the
   conversion program.
3. There is now an optional PROFILE FILE, containing (LISTSERV) commands to be
   executed  after startup.  Comment  lines (starting  with  an asterisk)  are
   ignored, as well  as blank lines. The commands are  executed as though they
   had  been  entered  on  the  keyboard  by  the  operator  right  after  the
   'Initialization complete' message. The PROFILE  is not executed when you do
   a POSTPONE start.
4. A 'DATABASE LIST' command, returning a list of the available databases, has
   been implemented. Note that if you are not allowed to access a given list's
   archive files, it won't appear in the output.
5. The PEERS database and SOUNDS  LIKE database operator that I had previously
   announced are incorporated.
The shipment contains  two new assembler modules, LSVFWR1  and (RX)LSVFIF, for
which source will be shipped (separately) to the :OCO.No sites.