Thanks a  lot Christian -  I had  not noticed the  bug because my  test server
doesn't have any "real" list, and there  was only one notebook file :-) I have
sent an updated version to all the persons I could remember I sent the dynamic
access stuff to, which  may or may not be all those I  actually sent it to :-)
You'll have to  DATABASE REFRESH all the lists you  submitted to the beta-test
BTW I  found a bug  in LSVDBS causing  it to forget  to close some  files when
doing a  search on  a database  like LISTS  where you  have zillions  of small
files.  Thus 'SEARCH  BLAH  IN LISTS'  would  cause 1156  files  to be  opened
concurrently, which  might or might  not result in  an error 100  from LSVDBS.
This was really TOUGH to diagnose because the error is difficult to reproduce,
and it never crashes at the same index record, so I suspected some pointer got
overlaid with garbage... I have a fix for  this which I sent to a few persons,
drop me  a line if  you want  it. Additionally, it  speeds up searches  on the
LISTS database  by a factor of  two because of  the way the AFT's  are chained
together. It doesn't speed up searches  on databases with less than some 100's
of physical files.