Nodes TECMTYVM and TECMTYSB will be down starting at 0:00 Hrs. on Wednesday
08/14/88, until regular service is restored at 8:00 Hrs. on Monday
08/19/88, due to equipment relocation. Testing shall be carried out
during the weekend, but mail transfer shall be limited or curtailed.
This affects communication to all nodes in Mexico (VMTECMEX, VMTECQRO,
UNAMVM1). TECMTYVM hosts a backbone Listserv and the Monterrey relay server.
This notice is being sent to LINKFAIL and the discussion lists of all
services affected.
| John M. Courcoul                  | Phone:                            |
| Dept. of Academic Services        |       (835) 820-0000  Ext. 4151   |
| Electronic Computing Center       |                                   |
| Monterrey Institute of Technology | BitNet:                           |
| Monterrey, N. L.   64849          |         PP838474 @ TECMTYVM       |
| Mexico                            |                                   |