Note:  We are having some problems with our mailer, so you may
receive a duplicate of this later from [log in to unmask]  I apologize
for any inconvenience.
Listserv Coordinators:  Please pass this on to someone who is
involved with administrative information systems at your site.
They may receive it through other mailings, but I am not
shotgunning it to a lot of listservs.  I have selected about half
dozen that sound the most administrative.
Attention anyone involved with computer use in university administration
This is an announcement of a new LISTSERV group.
The list is intended especially for non-technical administrators, so
if you are one, and want help with the basic BITNET LISTSERV commands,
simply send mail to me, [log in to unmask]  I will try to help you in any
way I can or refer you to someone else if I can't.
The name of the list is CUMREC-L, named after the annual conference.
It is designed to be a forum for the discussion of computer use in
college and university administration.  Topics I would like to see would
include but by no means be limited to:
    Purchase of administrative software from vendors--advice from some
        campuses that may not be on a vendors list of *showcases*
    General purpose software and hardware purchase--not nuts and bolts,
        but some general sharing of ideas
    You've decided to write a major administrative system from scratch--
        will someone share something with you so you don't need to
        re-invent the wheel?
    The CUMREC conference itself--sharing information, keeping in touch
        with people we've met at past conferences.
    Just about anything that a CUMREC paper could be written on.
    If a discussion gets very detailed on any one topic, I may try to
steer it to a list that is more appropriate.  I really want to keep this
list as broad based as possible.
    To subscribe to the list, send me mail if you don't want to mess
with LISTSERV commands or use:
from any system that will let you use TELL or send the command:
    SUB CUMREC-L your name
as the only text in a message to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1
    Note:  this list has the option SEND=PRIVATE which means that only
people who are current subscribers can send to the list.  This is not
intended to discourage participation, but to encourage subscription and
to help avoid some types of mailer loops.  If you want to send something
to the list, simply subscribe to the list first by following the above
instructions or send mail to me.
    Thank you for you time.
    Joe Moore, South Dakota State University