>From:         "Eric Thomas (CERN/L3)" <ERIC@LEPICS>
>To:           Steve Younker <YOUNKER@UTORONTO>
>I'm  sorry but  RYERSON.CA is  not  "RYERSON", it  is "one  of the  nodes
>gatewayed  by this  mailer  down  there in  CANADA01",  and is  therefore
>closest to  CANADA01, which is where  the gateway is. Domain  names don't
>have only advantages, and encouraging the  use of domain naming at a time
>when  there  is  no  table  listing  the  correspondence  between  domain
>addresses and NJE addresses is a mistake, in my opinion.
>  Eric
If RYERSON was complaining about RYERSON.CA, that's another problem which I
don't think has anything to do with the changing of PEERed lists from CANADA01.
I don't believe I've ever seen LISTSERV mail go through UTORONTO to
RYERSON.CA.  As far as I can see, it has always gone to [log in to unmask]  But,
I may have missed a few people.
Eric, I may get flamed for this one from others in NetNorth, but what the
heck.  I believe just about everyone in NetNorth is committed to changing over
to using their .CA domain address in the not to distant future.  The use of
such addresses is prevalent at such sites as Toronto, Waterloo, Western,
Queen's etc.  I've also seen a lot of other NetNorth sites using their new
domain address.  I agree that it causes problems (I've seen a few already
with my dealings with LISTSERV), but I guess we are stuck with it.
Now if that table you wre talking about could only be designed into the
system.  :-)  Sigh.  Life couldn't be that easy.