I am outraged at  the way SSAT@PACEVM has taken the  liberty to distribute the
GONE package against the will of its  author, who had been kind enough to make
it available to  the network in the first  place, and at no charge.  I am even
more outraged at the way he changed the distribution guidelines section in the
program and made the  program public domain, when he has NO  LEGAL RIGHT TO DO
I  would like  to state  very clearly  that I  do NOT  approve of  the use  of
LISTSERV to distribute stolen software, and that I will not tolerate this kind
of behaviour.
I  think it  would now  be most  appropriate for  the management  of the  Pace
University  computing centre  to make  a  public statement  of their  official
position regarding this issue.
Kind regards, Eric Thomas (author of LISTSERV)