It is not the business of LISTSERV to play with the list of recipients of
a DIST job based on whether or not it is a PUT command from the LMC going
to all servers  and containing one of the  "netwide configuration files".
That would be an horrible kludge.
There is  no problem  adding a  new tag  to PEERS  NAMES as  you suggest.
However, the  question is, what does  this tag exactly mean?  Do you want
all the files that  would be sent to a backbone  server? Just PEERS NAMES
and  LINKSWT FILE?  In that  case, they  would have  to be  moved to  yet
another filelist, as the level of distribution of a file is determined by
the filelist it is listed in.
In other words,  the question is the following: today,  there is only one
set of files  which is distributed to backbone servers,  and that is also
the set of files that Doron wants.  Tomorrow, they may be other files for
backbone servers. How  do we define whether these files  are also part of
the  set that  Doron wants  or  not? Do  we need  to distinguish  between
:backbone.YES files and :Doron.YES ( :-) ) ones?