On Wed, 27 Sep 89 08:57:53 IST Zvika Bar-Deroma said:
>Well - reading your answer I REViewed SAS-L (is there no way to
>REV the subscribers on one machine only ? It could save network
REView listname (options
    where options can be: LOCAL      ... that's what you want
                          SHORT      ... without subscribers
                          NOHEADER   ... without header
                          COUNTRY    ... lists #subscribers per country
>resources....). There's not even ONE subscriber from TECHNION (checked
>all peers). I positively know of two people who were subscribed
>and did not UNSUB (am afraid they donno how to "accomplish" this).
>Any idea what could have gone wrong ??
I don't  keep console logs that  long so I can't  check if there has  been any
action. As postmaster I didn't delete them - but I'm not one of the owners ...