For the record...
I hope we  see Ross on the network real  soon, for if not then I  feel we have
lost a very valuable and personable  individual who has brought a great wealth
of work,  ideas, philosophies and  interest to the  growth of BITNET.  All the
best to you, Ross, and thanks.
Additionally, I agree completely with Ross' request and second the request for
additional management functions in listserv.  There should also be the ability
for changing userids  and nodenames for those sites that  must go through name
changes as I  did when I was  at Boston University and that  RICE is painfully
experiencing now. I  feel this is a  must in listserv and  additionally, in my
mind, should be a feature that will work with all listservs, EARN and non-EARN
listservs, and if  this is a problem then the  development of these facilities
should be coordinated  to allow for a smooth operation  all of the COOPERATING
networks involved.
These opinions  are my own (nobody  else would want them).  These opinions are
not meant to  flame anyone (so Eric,  don't get me wrong). I  just think these
things should be  done and they should span political  boundaries for the good
of all.