>take it easy - it's a typo. When  I talked about it at nog, you bet that
>I did not say that they were taken out entirely from the p.n. file.
Ok, let's forget about this typo and  do as if the minutes had said "have
been removed from  the backbone". Now, both Christian and  myself asked a
very precise  question, if I remember  correctly. The minutes went  on to
say that this removal was causing  problems, and the proposed text of the
question the EARN Executive was to ask  the BITNET BoT said that this was
causing unnecessary remedial work for the personnel of the server sites.
Now, for the sake of the operation of this network, I am asking again for
a  description of  the  nature  of these  alleged  problems,  and of  the
unacceptable remedial work  in question. I believe I  have described with
enough accuracy the problems that were  caused by the 3 sites in question
having outdated tables (if not, I  can give more details). If the removal
that solved these  problems is indeed causing more  serious problems than
the ones it solved, I need to know  which ones and why, in order to avoid
worsening the situation of the network in the future, should this happens
If the  person who mentioned these  "problems" during the meeting  did so
just  for the  sake  of dramatizing  the situation,  when  in fact  these
problems are only imaginary, I would like  him to step forward and to say
so (and I am not even asking for an apology).