We are planning to cross SAS-L into our bboard system which is part
of USENET.  In the interest of avoiding redundant effort I'd like
to find out who else is already crossing SAS-L with some form of
a NETNEWS system.  I believe that there are people who are receiving
this list as a newsgroup but I am unaware of anyone feeding it
to other USENET sites as a newsgroup so I would be particularly
interested in hearing from you if you are doing that.  Put another
way, is anyone aware of a USENET site that can provide a USENET feed
of bit.listserv.sas-l (which is the newsgroup name which appears in
SAS-L's headers when you request full headers) or this list under
any other name?
cc:  LSTSRV-L(LSTSRV-L@POLYGRAF), WEENING@GO4, [log in to unmask]