Hello LISTSERV folks
      I am new with LISTSERV and try to create a list in our site.
Following are the steps I took to create a list:
1) Created a List header. (follow the example of Sample list)
   My filename is "TESTING" and filetype is "UNMVM", with is our node ID.
2) Issued the command "LSVPUT TESTING (CREATE LIST" to put list on to our
   LISTSERV. And LISTSERV send mail backup to me stated that file has
   been store correctly.
when I do "TELL LISTSERV LIST" to see the LIST lists,
following messages are what I got back:
*           Note: this list is not yet operational.
Questions: Did I miss a step(s) somewhere?
           Why my LISTSERV said the TESTING list is not yet operational?
           What do I need to do to to make TESTING list operational?
           Is where a quick reference handbook somewhere about creating
           and deleting a list.
Any help and hints will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Kingsavanh bounkeua