The  "Technical  Requirements" and  "Statement  of  Support" sections  in  the
installation guide have  been updated to include support for  the CP component
of  VM/HPO Release  6.  The decision  to support  HPO6,  despite its  "limited
availability" status (there  are actually countries where IBM  refuses to make
it available at all), is based on the fact that HPO6 sites have experienced no
problem  with LISTSERV  during their  conversion from  HPO5, and  that the  CP
component of HPO6 apparently contains no new  code that is neither in HPO5 nor
VM/SP CP6; that is, HPO6-HPO5 = CP6-CP5.
There are  still no plans  to support CMS6 in  the foreseeable future.  If you
want to discuss potential problems related  to the use of LISTSERV under CMS6,
write to Chuck  Kesler <CHUCK@NCSUVM>, Daniel Martin  <DMARTIN@UAFSYSB> or, of
course, to the wider audience of the LSTSRV-L list.