Well, you  have two approaches  to this  kind of problems:  the Committee
Approach, and the  "dangerous bozo" one (that refers to  me, not to Linda
or Michael). Since  I'm not very familiar with CREN  management, I'll use
EARN based examples  in this note, but  I suppose it must  be similar. If
you choose  the Committee Approach, you  have to make a  working group to
discuss the problem  and comes up with a proposal.  This proposal must be
written  according to  the  guidelines  and format  defined  in the  EARN
document  EXEC106  89. You  must  then  submit  it  to the  EARN  Network
Operations Group, which  will ignore it for a couple  months, after which
it  will be  approved  by timeout  and forwarded  to  the EARN  Executive
Committee, which will probably be puzzled by the contents of the proposal
(since there  is not much  NETNEWS experience  in the Exec).  Chances are
that they will ask  the Network Operations Group to come  up with a paper
on the proposal,  outlining its strengths and  weaknesses, and explaining
why it should be accepted or refused. Anyway you're going to have to wait
a couple years to  see any result, and this will  probably depend on what
BITNET has decided.
The "dangerous  bozo" approach,  means, roughly  speaking, that  you just
sniff  up  some powdered  CP  source  listing  (or some  other  similarly
powerful hallucinogen  :-) ) and pretend  that you are living  in a world
where there  is no bureaucracy. You  just go ahead and  announce that you
are now providing  this service free of charge, and  that anybody wishing
to use  it should contact  you. If BITNIC or  the EARN Office  or anybody
else complains about  that situation, just ask them if  they'd be willing
to provide the same service themselves,  and bring to their attention the
fact that, if they choose to do so, they have to make sure it is properly
coordinated with the  other entities who have expressed  the same desire,
given that the  thing presently works and users would  be very unhappy if
it stopped  working for  purely political reasons.  Chances are  that the
official bodies will  then start fighting with each other  over who shall
get what share of the cake, while  you peacefully keep doing your work as
if nothing  had happened :-) Eventually  they might succeed to  force you
into the Committee Approach - something  that is very likely to happen if
your printer breaks and you run out of powdered CP source code :-)
Anyway you have to keep in mind that no matter how good a service you are
providing, Official Bodies will frown on  it when they come to hear about
it, label  it as dangerous and  publish nice glossies saying  nice things
like "it is  wrong to rely on  effort (...) which may decide  to move the
network in undesirable directions" (EARN Annual report, page 4, headline:
"Users rely on EARN, EARN  hires staff to guarantee services"). Actually,
your only  chance of being spared  is mediocrity - if  nobody cares about
what you're doing, they won't pay attention to it :-)
Welcome into the boat, and good luck... :-)