:Date:         Thu, 5 Apr 90 21:10:44 CST
:In the course of the day, our Listserv has been swamped by over 200 X-DEL
:jobs coming in from various EARN nodes; each one bearing a single netwide
:Is this all valid or is somebody trying to bring down the LISTSERV
:network ? I find it a bit hard to believe that over 200 users from the same
:nodes all decided to sign off at the same time.
:Juan Courcoul
:Monterrey Tech.
Orion got about 364 one line x-del jobs and 219 jobs that got rejected
'you are not the node admin' messages.  (xedit 'all' is great :-)).
My suspicion is that someone decided to remove a few classes by
writing an exec that sends individual x-del messages to listserv.