Hello all,
    Since  it seems that  some people are  already in the  progress of
    fixing  problems in listearn  and/or listserv, it  becomes time to
    add another problem. :-).
    I have the following problem:
    As  being  a  nodeadministrator  of  two  Bitnet sites, i have the
    privilege to remove users from my sites from listserv distribution
    lists. (This worked fine). However since a year or so, we migrated
    to  RFC822 standard and it means  that registration on lists (sent
    by  mail) contains  domain addresses.  And here  it comes: I can't
    remove  those persons from lists!!!!  Is there no way  to add some
    code  to the  listserv/listearn programs  so that  for instance  a
    nodeadministrator can remove users from those domain(s) that he is
    responsible for? In our case it would be something like: *.WAU.NL.
    Now  i  have  to  send  requests  to  the  listowners  or the main
    earnadministrator  in our country.  Can this problem  be solved???
    If  this matter is discussed before forgive me, i am rather new to
    this list.
    Thanks in advance for some reactions.
                                                Arnold Bosch.
|                                                                           |
|                                                         |\                |
|   RFC-822 : [log in to unmask] (Bitnet: BOSCH@HWALHW5)    |#|               |
|   SURFnet : LUWRCL::BOSCH                               |#|  _            |
|   PSI/X25 : (0204)18802031938::BOSCH                    |#| /#\           |
|   Phone   : (+31)(0)8370-84716                          |#|/# #|          |
|   Fax     : (+31)(0)8370-84731                          |###/|#|  /\      |
|   Job     : Networkmanager                               \#/ |#| /#/      |
|   Department for Information Management-                     |#|/#/       |
|              and Datacommunication                           |###/        |
|   Agricultural University,                                   \##/         |
|   Wageningen, The Netherlands                                             |
|                                                                           |