On Tue, 21 Aug 90 19:33:30 EST Hobart Braden said:
>This is a request for problem determination advice.
>Last night my server tried to reply to a REFRESHME request from a LISTSERV
>at SPHVM.  The response was rejected by RSCS because the node was unknown.
 Ooops...  SPHVM is the name used by the RSCS Version 2 service machine
 at node JHUHYG.  Their primary systems programmer left recently (as did
 several other employees), and the people that are left have been learning
 as they go.  I sent them a note about their RSCS machines (one version 1
 called JHUHYG and one version 2 called SPHVM), but I didn't realise that
 anyone else on the network would be affected.  I'll help them straigten
 things out, so just ignore any such messages for now.
>  -Hobart Braden