Every time I post to AIX-L@PUCC, I get a message from LISTSERV@VTVM1
concerning the distribution of my message, such as the following:
DMTRGX171I FROM VTVM1(LISTSERV): * Processing your mail (0178) for AIX-L...
and another mail message concerning the distribution:
>     Received: from vtvm1.cc.vt.edu by TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL (Mailer R2.05)
>      BSMTP id 4887; Wed, 05 Sep 90 10:24:23 IST
>     Received: by VTVM1 (Mailer R2.07) id 8102; Wed, 05 Sep 90 04:20:12 EDT
>     Date:         Wed, 5 Sep 90 04:20:12 EDT
>     From:         Revised List Processor (1.6e) <[log in to unmask]>
>     Subject:      Ack: Using RS/6000 SCSI devices on AIX-PS/2
>     To:           Zvika Bar-Deroma <[log in to unmask]>
>     Statistics for AIX-L mailing (IBM AIX Discussion List):
>     -> Only local users and domain-style recipients on the list.
My distribution options for aix-l follow:
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): * Distribution options for Zvika Bar-Deroma
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): *  list AIX-L: Ack= No, Mail= Yes, Files= Yes,
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): *  Repro= No, Header= Short, Conceal= No
(Note the Ack= No)
AIX-L@PUCC list header follows:
*  IBM AIX Discussion List
*  Review= Public    Subscription= Open         Send= Public
*  Reply-to= List,Respect
*  Notify= Yes       Files= No
*  Newsgroups= bit.listserv.aix-l
*  Validate= Store Only                         Ack= No
*  Confidential= No
*  Stats= Normal,Owner
*  Errors-To= Owner
*  Mail-Via= Distribute
*  Notebook= Yes,F,Monthly,Public
*  Owner= GETTES@PUCC  (Michael Gettes, Coordinator)
*        This list is intended for the discussion of AIX. AIX
*        is the IBM Unix solution for small and large computer
*        systems. Initially, this list will be used for dissemination
*        of information and technical details of AIX on all levels.
*        It may be necessary to break this list down into machine
*        types that AIX will run on.
The list of users contains among others:
AIX-L@VTVM1                               Redistribution List
and finally the list header for AIX-L@VTVM1:
*   IBM AIX Discussion List
* Ack=          Yes          Notebook=  Yes,H,Monthly,Public
* Confidential= Yes          Reply-To=  List,Respect
* Files=        Yes          Review=    Public
* Formcheck=    No           Stats=     Normal,Private
* Notify=       Yes          Send=      Public
* Subscription= Closed       Errors-To= Owners
* X-Tags=       Yes          Validate=  Store only
* Owner= USDLNS@VTVM1 Lawrence Sewell
* Owner= AIX-L@VTVM1 local redistribution
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:    0
* Total number of local node users on the list:    0
(interesting list definition I would say, but that's none of my business,
is it).
I'm not sure what this whole thing means, but it seems to me that someone
at VTVM1 wanted to peer AIX-L and did it in an "strange" way.
Any comments/explanations?
*  Notebook= Yes,F,Monthly,Public
*  Owner= GETTES@PUCC  (Michael Gettes, Coordinator)
*        This list is intended for the discussion of AIX. AIX
*        is the IBM Unix solution for small and large computer
*        systems. Initially, this list will be used for dissemination
*        of information and technical details of AIX on all levels.
*        It may be necessary to break this list down into machine
*        types that AIX will run on.
The list of users contains among others:
AIX-L@VTVM1                               Redistribution List
and finally the list header for AIX-L@VTVM1:
*   IBM AIX Discussion List
* Ack=          Yes          Notebook=  Yes,H,Monthly,Public
* Confidential= Yes          Reply-To=  List,Respect
* Files=        Yes          Review=    Public
* Formcheck=    No           Stats=     Normal,Private
* Notify=       Yes          Send=      Public
* Subscription= Closed       Errors-To= Owners
* X-Tags=       Yes          Validate=  Store only
* Owner= USDLNS@VTVM1 Lawrence Sewell
* Owner= AIX-L@VTVM1 local redistribution
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:    0
* Total number of local node users on the list:    0
Received: from TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL by SEARN.SUNET.SE (Mailer R2.05) with
 BSMTP id 8126; Wed, 05 Sep 90 12:36:59 O
Received: from TECHNION (AER7101) by TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL (Mailer R2.05)
 with BSMTP id 5032; Wed, 05 Sep 90 11:47:48 IST
Date:         Wed, 05 Sep 90 11:25:28 IST
From:         Zvika Bar-Deroma <AER7101@TECHNION>
Organization: TECHNION - I.I.T, Aerospace Eng.
Subject:      AIX-l@VTVM1 problem
Message-Id:   <900905.112528.IST.AER7101@TECHNION>
To:           lstsrv-l@SEARN,
              Lawrence Sewell <USDLNS@VTVM1>
cc:           "Michael Gettes, AIX-l@PUCC coordinator" <GETTES@PUCC>
Every time I post to AIX-L@PUCC, I get a message from LISTSERV@VTVM1
concerning the distribution of my message, such as the following:
DMTRGX171I FROM VTVM1(LISTSERV): * Processing your mail (0178) for AIX-L...
and another mail message concerning the distribution:
>     Received: from vtvm1.cc.vt.edu by TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL (Mailer R2.05)
>      BSMTP id 4887; Wed, 05 Sep 90 10:24:23 IST
>     Received: by VTVM1 (Mailer R2.07) id 8102; Wed, 05 Sep 90 04:20:12 EDT
>     Date:         Wed, 5 Sep 90 04:20:12 EDT
>     From:         Revised List Processor (1.6e) <[log in to unmask]>
>     Subject:      Ack: Using RS/6000 SCSI devices on AIX-PS/2
>     To:           Zvika Bar-Deroma <[log in to unmask]>
>     Statistics for AIX-L mailing (IBM AIX Discussion List):
>     -> Only local users and domain-style recipients on the list.
My distribution options for aix-l follow:
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): * Distribution options for Zvika Bar-Deroma
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): *  list AIX-L: Ack= No, Mail= Yes, Files= Yes,
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): *  Repro= No, Header= Short, Conceal= No
(Note the Ack= No)
AIX-L@PUCC list header follows:
*  IBM AIX Discussion List
*  Review= Public    Subscription= Open         Send= Public
*  Reply-to= List,Respect
*  Notify= Yes       Files= No
*  Newsgroups= bit.listserv.aix-l
*  Validate= Store Only                         Ack= No
*  Confidential= No
*  Stats= Normal,Owner
*  Errors-To= Owner
*  Mail-Via= Distribute
*  Notebook= Yes,F,Monthly,Public
*  Owner= GETTES@PUCC  (Michael Gettes, Coordinator)
*        This list is intended for the discussion of AIX. AIX
*        is the IBM Unix solution for small and large computer
*        systems. Initially, this list will be used for dissemination
*        of information and technical details of AIX on all levels.
*        It may be necessary to break this list down into machine
*        types that AIX will run on.
The list of users contains among others:
AIX-L@VTVM1                               Redistribution List
and finally the list header for AIX-L@VTVM1:
*   IBM AIX Discussion List
* Ack=          Yes          Notebook=  Yes,H,Monthly,Public
* Confidential= Yes          Reply-To=  List,Respect
* Files=        Yes          Review=    Public
* Formcheck=    No           Stats=     Normal,Private
* Notify=       Yes          Send=      Public
* Subscription= Closed       Errors-To= Owners
* X-Tags=       Yes          Validate=  Store only
* Owner= USDLNS@VTVM1 Lawrence Sewell
* Owner= AIX-L@VTVM1 local redistribution
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:    0
* Total number of local node users on the list:    0
(interesting list definition I would say, but that's none of my business,
is it).
I'm not sure what this whole thing means, but it seems to me that someone
at VTVM1 wanted to peer AIX-L and did it in an "strange" way.
Any comments/explanations?
*  Notebook= Yes,F,Monthly,Public
*  Owner= GETTES@PUCC  (Michael Gettes, Coordinator)
*        This list is intended for the discussion of AIX. AIX
*        is the IBM Unix solution for small and large computer
*        systems. Initially, this list will be used for dissemination
*        of information and technical details of AIX on all levels.
*        It may be necessary to break this list down into machine
*        types that AIX will run on.
The list of users contains among others:
AIX-L@VTVM1                               Redistribution List
and finally the list header for AIX-L@VTVM1:
*   IBM AIX Discussion List
* Ack=          Yes          Notebook=  Yes,H,Monthly,Public
* Confidential= Yes          Reply-To=  List,Respect
* Files=        Yes          Review=    Public
* Formcheck=    No           Stats=     Normal,Private
* Notify=       Yes          Send=      Public
* Subscription= Closed       Errors-To= Owners
* X-Tags=       Yes          Validate=  Store only
* Owner= USDLNS@VTVM1 Lawrence Sewell
* Owner= AIX-L@VTVM1 local redistribution
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:    0
* Total number of local node users on the list:    0
Received: from TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL by SEARN.SUNET.SE (Mailer R2.05) with
 BSMTP id 8126; Wed, 05 Sep 90 12:36:59 O
Received: from TECHNION (AER7101) by TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL (Mailer R2.05)
 with BSMTP id 5032; Wed, 05 Sep 90 11:47:48 IST
Date:         Wed, 05 Sep 90 11:25:28 IST
From:         Zvika Bar-Deroma <AER7101@TECHNION>
Organization: TECHNION - I.I.T, Aerospace Eng.
Subject:      AIX-l@VTVM1 problem
Message-Id:   <900905.112528.IST.AER7101@TECHNION>
To:           lstsrv-l@SEARN,
              Lawrence Sewell <USDLNS@VTVM1>
cc:           "Michael Gettes, AIX-l@PUCC coordinator" <GETTES@PUCC>
Every time I post to AIX-L@PUCC, I get a message from LISTSERV@VTVM1
concerning the distribution of my message, such as the following:
DMTRGX171I FROM VTVM1(LISTSERV): * Processing your mail (0178) for AIX-L...
and another mail message concerning the distribution:
>     Received: from vtvm1.cc.vt.edu by TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL (Mailer R2.05)
>      BSMTP id 4887; Wed, 05 Sep 90 10:24:23 IST
>     Received: by VTVM1 (Mailer R2.07) id 8102; Wed, 05 Sep 90 04:20:12 EDT
>     Date:         Wed, 5 Sep 90 04:20:12 EDT
>     From:         Revised List Processor (1.6e) <[log in to unmask]>
>     Subject:      Ack: Using RS/6000 SCSI devices on AIX-PS/2
>     To:           Zvika Bar-Deroma <[log in to unmask]>
>     Statistics for AIX-L mailing (IBM AIX Discussion List):
>     -> Only local users and domain-style recipients on the list.
My distribution options for aix-l follow:
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): * Distribution options for Zvika Bar-Deroma
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): *  list AIX-L: Ack= No, Mail= Yes, Files= Yes,
DMTRGX171I FROM PUCC(LISTSERV): *  Repro= No, Header= Short, Conceal= No
(Note the Ack= No)
AIX-L@PUCC list header follows:
*  IBM AIX Discussion List
*  Review= Public    Subscription= Open         Send= Public
*  Reply-to= List,Respect
*  Notify= Yes       Files= No
*  Newsgroups= bit.listserv.aix-l
*  Validate= Store Only                         Ack= No
*  Confidential= No
*  Stats= Normal,Owner
*  Errors-To= Owner
*  Mail-Via= Distribute
*  Notebook= Yes,F,Monthly,Public
*  Owner= GETTES@PUCC  (Michael Gettes, Coordinator)
*        This list is intended for the discussion of AIX. AIX
*        is the IBM Unix solution for small and large computer
*        systems. Initially, this list will be used for dissemination
*        of information and technical details of AIX on all levels.
*        It may be necessary to break this list down into machine
*        types that AIX will run on.
The list of users contains among others:
AIX-L@VTVM1                               Redistribution List
and finally the list header for AIX-L@VTVM1:
*   IBM AIX Discussion List
* Ack=          Yes          Notebook=  Yes,H,Monthly,Public
* Confidential= Yes          Reply-To=  List,Respect
* Files=        Yes          Review=    Public
* Formcheck=    No           Stats=     Normal,Private
* Notify=       Yes          Send=      Public
* Subscription= Closed       Errors-To= Owners
* X-Tags=       Yes          Validate=  Store only
* Owner= USDLNS@VTVM1 Lawrence Sewell
* Owner= AIX-L@VTVM1 local redistribution
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:    0
* Total number of local node users on the list:    0
(interesting list definition I would say, but that's none of my business,
is it).
I'm not sure what this whole thing means, but it seems to me that someone
at VTVM1 wanted to peer AIX-L and did it in an "strange" way.
Any comments/explanations?