> In my list, I have to archive files that have to be read by Word Perfect 5.0
> on IBM and by Word 4.0 on Mac.
> Do you know about a single format that can support both of these Word
> Processors.
Store two versions. You're *never* going to get a format that
provides all the features of one proprietary WP *and* can be used
by another proprietary WP, especially across such radically
different OS and hardware platforms.
> We have to use Word Processor format because the documents contain footnotes,
> graphics, etc... and someone are written in European language.
You could convert the files to DCA format if you're only
interested in preserving the text and *some* of the document
structure. Graphics are out, and other features are not reliably
transmitted, but it would be a start if you have room for only
one version.
> | ROBERT DAVID                        | BITNET: RDAVID AT LAVALVM1