Hello, I have been postmaster of TEMPLEVM's listserv for only a couple of
weeks. There are some questions that I have which have not been found in the
documentation.  Perhaps you know how to answer them.
  1)  I just created a list for a faculty member. This person would like
      to use his list to store files for retrieval only by those who are
      subscribed to this list. I know about the LSVPUT command, where you
      first set up a directory for the files, then use LSVPUT to place the
      files into the directory.  The documentation is not clear on this
      though.  One major question, is can I have the files stored on the
      CMS account for that LISTSERV rather than on the LISTSERV account?
  2)  I keep getting a message that some sort of information is out of date
      and that I should request the UPDNODES DESCRIPT for NETSERV AT BITNIC.
      The only problem is that NETSERV rejects my request with the explanation
      that I am not authorized to make such a request. Why is this so?  I was
      making the request from my postmaster account.  Should I request this
      file directly from the LISTSERV account itself?
  3)  Next, I was wondering whether or not there is some sort of book one can
      get on LISTSERVS and LISTS.  I have lots of documentation that is
      available for a LISTSERV, but it is very fragmented. Does any know of
      book that I can read?
  Any help you can provide will be appreciated. I am in unfamiliar territory
  with LISTSERV, but I am sure anxious to learn more.
  Please send information to STAN AT TEMPLEVM.BITNET. I will summarize any
  answers for those who request that I do so.