I have  just been informed  that I have to  make a presentation  on EARN,
e-mail  and LISTSERV  in  january.  The audience  will  be mostly  system
administrators and (e-mail) postmasters, but most of them have never used
any two-letters operating system.
Anyway I  remember several  people asking me  in the past  if I  had some
conference material (papers, transparencies, etc) that I would be willing
to share with them. Well, unfortunately (for them, but fortunately for me
:-) )  I had managed  to avoid having to  give such presentations  in the
past, and the  answer was that I didn't have  anything to contribute. Now
it is  my turn  to ask :-)  I would either  use the  paper "as is",  as a
handout, or compile relevant sections into  a new paper (with due credits
of course).
Thanks in advance,