On Mon, 17 Dec 90 14:52:56 EDT Carlos Fernando Nogueira said:
>What is a VMSCHEDULLE and where can i get a copy?
VMSCHEDULE is proprietary software from System Center Products, and is
part of their VMCENTER II package for the IBM VM systems (I beleive).
VMSCHEDULE allows you to program your account to do specific events at
certain times when you are not logged in.  I.E. if you are going away for
a month and want to make sure your mail is received, you can set up
a VMSCHED job to run a small exec every night that dumps your mail into
a notebook, prints it, and erases it. (I do this.)
Jeff Linder                      Bitnet: V5057U at TEMPLEVM
Temple University                Internet: [log in to unmask]
Computer Services
Mainframe Consultant
Disclaimer: If I knew what I was talking about I wouldn't be in college.