On Tue, 22 Jan 91 12:14:39 ECT you said:
>I've been getting the following error message for several
>days now.  How long do I wait before I just unsubscribe
>this person (these people?)?  Will his/her/their mailbox(es)
>ever empty themselves?  Can one full box prevent all the
>others from getting mail?  How can I tell which one is
>causing the trouble?
>Received: by CALSTATE via BITNet for JMP@CALSTATE (CSUMailer (1.4));
The daemon says that user "JMP" is the problem.  I didn't see JMP in
the "To" list (possibly forwarded mail??).  I'd certainly bounce that
to the postmaster with a request that the daemon please identify the
"To" address to which it can't deliver.
I usually "NOMAIL" those full mailbox accounts (and IF I remember, I
reset them to MAIL in a few days).  Often the NOMAIL message is small
enough to be delivered even though there's not room for normal listmail.
Otherwise, I get an eventual query from the subscriber wanting to know
why the listmail stopped when LISTSERV says they are "already subscribed"
(at which point I tell them that if they are going to subscribe to lists,
they need to take the responsibility to empty their mailbox).  I usually
wait until I've received a couple of days worth of "mailbox full" before
I act (it's not uncommon to underestimate the amount of mail that will
arrive -- especially if a list someone's subscribed to loops).