In article <[log in to unmask]>, Marty Hoag
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>   In the "closing the barn door after the horse is gone" department
>I did change all our lists to  Files= No  and sent a note to the
>owners explaining that if they needed to distribute files I'd change
>it back.  I haven't heard from any that they wanted to do that.
File this under IMHO -
Some mail transfer agents send mail as files, at least in Listserv
eyes.  Perhaps a new LISTSERV feature MODULE=NO|YES could/should
be implemented which would suppress those kind of beasties?
Peter M. Weiss                   | pmw1 @ PSUADMIN  | | psuvm
31 Shields Bldg - PennState Univ.| not affiliated with VM.PSU.EDU | PSUVM
University Park, PA USA 16802    | Secrecy is the guardian of bureaucracy